Parish Finances during the Coronavirus Pandemic:
While we are unable to gather for Mass, and prayers, you are invited to consider ways of supporting your local Church. We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone.
If you are able to continue supporting financially please see options to do so below...
Option # 1 – CDF Electronic Transfer
2. Click on Give one time to choose either a one-time contribution or set up a recurring offering.
3. Click on other to decide the amount you would like to contribute
4. Under Additional Questions click on Presbytery to choose where you want you offering to go, either Presbytery or Parish.
5. Complete contact information
6. Complete Payment information
7. Finally click on give (green box with the amount you want to give in the center of the box.
8. Follow the last few steps.
Option # 2 - Direct debit
If you would like to set up a direct debit from your bank account please call on 93982964 and the office will arrange for a form to be sent to you
Option # 3 - Bank Transfer
St. Mary Help of Christians Parish Church Account BSB 083 347 a/c 644 449 954 Reference – Your Thanksgiving Envelope Number if you have one or your full name.
Thank you for your understanding and consideration.